Take A Class With Me!

Eric Elder writes for page, stage & screen to bring faith to life

I’m excited to announce a series of live, online classes I’ll be offering starting in October! I’ve been wanting to do a series like this for several years… and now’s the time to do it!

I’ll be offering 5 different classes on 5 different topics once a week for 12 weeks. These are more than just online classes where you’ll learn a few things (which you will!). These are ONLINE COMMUNITIES where you’ll get to meet others and make new friends with people who are pursuing similar goals.

The classes will be centered on 5 different topics that are dear to my heart:

  1. Read the Bible with Me!
  2. Play the Piano with Me!
  3. Free Flow on the Piano (with Bo Elder)!
  4. Write a Book with Me!
  5. Read a Book with Me!

Here’s a paragraph about each class…


We’ll be going through the book of Romans, one of the most life-changing books in the whole Bible for me personally. I became a Christian in large part due to reading the book of Romans. The book has not only changed my life, but also the lives of Saint Augustine in the 4th century, Martin Luther’s in the 16th, and John Wesley’s in the 18th! We’ll be using a study guide I wrote to go with it called Romans: Lessons in Renewing Your Mind. We’ll be meeting on Tuesdays from 12-1 pm Central Time.


Writing can be healing, even if you never publish your work for anyone else to read! I’ve written nearly 40 books over the last 25 years, some of which will never see the light of day. 🙂 But the process of writing each one has helped me think through difficult topics, untangle some of the knots in my mind, and put words to ideas that I’ve had no other way to express. And often I’ve published those words to help others in their journeys! I’ve led several writing classes and retreats, and the mutual encouragement we’ve all received has been phenomenal. Ultimately, I’m praying for 100 Christians to share their personal faith-stories with the world through writing. We’ll be meeting on Wednesdays from 12-1 pm Central Time.


No matter what level of skill you have on the piano (or even none at all!), I’d love to teach you how to play 3 songs before Christmas: 2 Christmas songs and 1 worship song. I’ve loved playing the piano my entire life and have taught all 6 of my kids how to play. I’ve written, recorded, and streamed dozens of songs to millions of people, and even written 25 songs for a new Christmas musical we recently staged. But mostly, I just love playing the piano by myself in my living room for an audience of 1 (well, 2 if you count God AND me). I’d love to share my love of worshipping God with you in this special way. We’ll be meeting on Wednesdays from 4-5 pm Central Time.


Some people wish they could just sit down at the piano and express whatever’s on their heart through the keys.Well, my son Bo has been doing just that for several years now, and he’d love to share what he’s learned with you! Again, whether you already know something about the piano or you know nothing at all, Bo will give you some ways to begin expressing yourself through the keys on the piano. Bo has not only been playing since childhood, but he has also spent 2 years learning songwriting at Hillsong College, one of the top worship incubators in the world. Bo will be meeting on Wednesdays from 5-6 pm Central Time.


This last class is one of the most FUN classes for me because we’ll be reading and discussing one of my favorite books. The book is called Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and it’s the third book in the most popular book series in the world. (Can you start with the third book? Yes, you can… I did!) And before you check out and wonder why l would host a book discussion about Harry Potter, it’s because this book has some of the best examples of FRIENDSHIPS I’ve ever read: what makes them, what breaks them, and how to make them stronger. That will be our focus in this discussion, plus a few storytelling tips for other writers out there. If you (or someone you know) would like to bolster your friendships and make a few friends along the way), join us! We’ll be meeting on Fridays from 12-1 pm Central Time.

Each class is offered for a suggested donation to our ministry of $65 a month for 3 months (or a one-time donation of $195). And if you want to add a 2nd class or more (up to all 5!), it’s just $30 more per month… and that’s it! ($95 a month for 3 months or a one-time donation of $285… and you’ll get to attend any of the 5 classes!)

CLASSES START THE FIRST WEEK OF OCTOBER and run for 12 weeks. Sign up now to save your spot!

Here are some options to sign up:



AGAIN, these classes are not just to train you on the given topics, but to give you an ONLINE COMMUNITY where you can make new friends who are pursuing similar life goals. I hope you’ll join us for a class or 2 or 3 or 4 or all 5! We’re going to have a lot of fun and a lot of rich fellowship along the way.

Looking forward to SEEING you soon

Eric Elder